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Charitable Donations

At CCPC we believe giving back is one of the best things a company can do for its community. Whether its through time or money building a better community can be benifical to everyone. Below are just some of the charities that we donate to. 

The Riverside National Support Committe

The specific purpose of the Riverside National Cemetery Support Committee is to provide support and assistance in the maintenance and beautification of this "Field of Honor"...Riverside National Cemetery. Including, but not necessarily limited to the establishment and administration of an endowment fund for the benefit of the cemetery, planning and presenting appropriate ceremonies on national holidays (Memorial Day and Veterans Day) and any other activity that benefits the National Cemetery. The Support Committee funds have been used to support the Memorial Honor Detail (purchase of bugles and direct financial support), purchase flower cone vases, landscape materials, replace equipment, for maintenance/repair of the National Congressional Medal of Honor Memorial, Veterans Memorial, and the National POW/MIA Memorial Project.

The American Cancer Society

The American Cancer Society is a nationwide, community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, the ACS has regional and local offices throughout the country that support 11 geographical Divisions and ensure we have a presence in every community. 

The Unforgetables Foundation

The Unforgettables Foundation is a 501c (3) non profit organization founded by Timothy Evans in 1999. During a decade of clinical ministry to children and their families, Evans assisted families with the many crises surrounding the death of a child-not the least of which are the crushing financial burdens experienced by families with limited resources.

Assisted by Inland Empire educators, medical professionals, social workers, and morticians, Evans created The Unforgettables Foundation. Paramount among aspects of the Foundation’s mission is to assist low-income families provide a dignified, appropriate burial for their children who have died.

Rena's Dresses

Through the gift of prom Rena's is giving back to the High Desert. For some high school girls prom might be just out of reach, Rena's fills that gap by providing everything needed to make the girls feel special. Using extra funds available Rena's has also supplied boys with tuxedos and scholarships to the girls who qualify. Rena's not only deals in prom but in hope and inspiration as well, by incouraging acts of kindness Rena's is building a generation of girls who are passing on the same kindness showed to them. 

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